Free Little Seed Libraries

Most of us have heard of Free Little Libraries, we even have one in front of our city's fitness center. A great twist on this concept is the Free Little Seed Library.  Based on the concept of Free Little Libraries, you can take seeds and drop off seeds. What a wonderful idea, especially one located in a community garden. Gardening enthusiasts always like to share their bounty and what a clever way to try something new.  Below are some pictures of free seed libraries and a video tutorial on making one at home.  The website has a listing of different free libraries, where you can find one in your community, purchasing libraries, and registering your library (*note- this is for books, not seeds, but the libraries they sell can easily be used for seed swapping).

Located in Arlington, VA
Learn more HERE

Learn more about this one in Duluth

This gentleman shows how he created one at home with clear and easy directions.

Check out the free seed library in Kent (once the library is open to the public).

"Now in its fourth year, the Kent seed library has grown to include 1,700 packets of seeds spanning 25 different kinds of plants and even more variety within those plant families. Novice and experienced gardeners can take up to 20 packets of seeds, donated by community members, for free and without a library card, and can return dried seeds from the resulting crops in the fall."- Record-Courier article dated April 4, 2019

Learn more HERE

There are also many online seed swapping sites and groups on Facebook.  

Happy seed swapping!

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