How to Grow & Enjoy Lavender

Before diving into the care guide, here are some interesting facts about lavender:
  • The name "lavender" comes from the latin verb "lavare," which means "to wash."
  • Mature lavender plants do not require water.  They can survive a drought.
  • Ancient Egyptians used the plant during the mummification process.
  • Lavender comes from the same family as mint.
  • Lavender plants don't produce seeds.  Propagation is done by cutting or root divisions.

Get Busy Gardening takes you through the steps to insure healthy, thriving lavender plants.  Learn which type is best suited for our zone.  Once you start growing your lavender plants, there's a homemade soap craft to enjoy those flowers.

Read the care guide HERE

The website It All Started with Paint has an easy lavender soap tutorial and has a list with links on where to buy the supplies.  Makes a lovely gift for the gardener.

Read the soap tutorial HERE

Not into soap?  Here's a recipe for lavender & lemon shortbread cookies from The Beach House Kitchen.

Get recipe HERE

Stop and smell(or eat) the flowers!

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