Scrabble Tile Garden Markers

Scrabble tile garden markers are super easy to create and I've made them several times for past club plant sales. 

  • Scrabble wood tiles (available at Amazon for $8.49 for 200 pieces.  Other amounts are available.)
  • Paint sticks- free from home improvement stores or purchase at Amazon for $19.97 for a pack of 200 sticks)  
These sticks from Amazon are nice because they are free of any printing and logos.  You can use them in this natural state and skip the painting step.  Pack can be purchased and split among friends.

  • Various acrylic paints + paintbrush or paint sponge
  • E6000 glue (available at Michaels for $4.99 + 20% off coupon)
  • Outdoor varnish spray (optional)

  • Use acrylic paint color(s) of your choice and paint the wood sticks.  Let try completely and lightly sand with fine grit sand paper surface where tiles will be glued.
  • Apply tiles with E6000 glue and let dry and cure according to product directions.
  • If you want a farmhouse look, stirrer can be distressed on edges with rough sand paper at this point.
  • Spray with outdoor varnish and dry.  

Happy crafting!

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