Vermicomposting & Earthworms in the Garden

Earthworms provide improved soil structure and nutrients, but how do you attract them to your garden?  This Nature Living Ideas article tells you why and how and you can read it HERE.

Worms are awesome!  Ready to take the next step? has published an excellent guide to vermicomposting that can be viewed HERE

Here is a stylish composter:

Worm Farm Composter at Gardener's Supply
$179 (also available in gray)

The Backyard Boss website list the top 5 vermicomposters HERE

*NOTE- all of the composters listed are unavailable on Amazon, but they can be found at other retailers.  The composter shown above is on the list.  Use for reference when deciding on a model.

Where Do I Get the Worms?

There are multiple online sources, but here are a few:

Happy vermicomposting!

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