Garden Tips & Tricks

Tip #1:  How to Properly Prune Basil

 Step 1 is to find two large basil leaves on the plant.
Tip #2:  Avoid Bitter Cucumber Crops

Cummber plants that experience heat stress or uneven watering (too much or too little) will taste bitter.  If you are getting bitter cucumbers, remove the section of the plant that is producing bitter fruits.  Plant can be moved to another area in the garden that receives steady temperature and water.

Tip #3:  Better Strawberry Plants

Remove flowers for 3 months after planting to encourage strong root production.

Tip #4:  Epsom Salt in the Garden

"Epsom salt has so many uses, including aiding in a beautiful and healthy garden. It’s rich in magnesium and sulfate which are crucial to plant life. For potted plants, mix a couple of tablespoons of the salt into your watering can once or twice a month. You can also sprinkle it in your garden’s soil to help your seeds germinate better. Tomatoes and peppers benefit the most because they both tend to have a magnesium deficiency. Add a tablespoon or so in with the soil when first planting, and then sprinkle more into the soil once mature."- Listotic article dated June 5, 2014

Tip #5:  Toilet Paper for Seed Starting

Place toilet paper in planting row to show where tiny seeds fall.  Cover with soil according to the seed packaging directions.

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