Five Garden Hacks

Here are five garden hacks to try in your garden.

1. The Beer Binge
Hubsters & hipsters aren't the only ones who love their beer. Slugs and snails are attracted to the yeast and beer makes a toxic-free solution to our slimy garden visitors. Place a shallow tray of beer (nothing top shelf, think more PBR) near hostas or any plant that slugs may find delicious.

2. Eggcellent Idea
For all of the slugs and snails that missed happy hour, you can spread rinsed, crushed eggshells at the base of plants to deter munching.

3. Sponges- They're Not Just for Cleaning
Line the bottom of terracotta pots with old sponges. The sponges will help to prevent soil run-off and allow for water drainage. Their absorbant quality will also help with root rot.

4. Coffee Filters- Also Not Just for Coffee
Lining the bottom of pots with coffee filters will allow water to flow, but keep the soil inside.

5. If the Shoe Fits, Then Lettuce will for Sure!
Over-the-door, inexpensive shoe organizers work perfectly for vertical gardening. Herbs and lettuce are great plants to try.

Hope you find these hacks helpful and garden on!

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